65 lines
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65 lines
1.5 KiB
A javascript library providing server defined loading of resources for a single page application.
## Installation
npm --save install es5-ff-spa-loader (TODO)
Then use the es5-ff-spa-loader.js in header as script resource or inline in body.
## Usage Mobile
Single index.html
FFSpaLoader.options.debug.enable = true;
FFSpaLoader.options.server.url = 'http://myserver';
FFSpaLoader.options.server.assets = '/api/path/to/spa/client/resources';
## Usage Web
Single index.html
FFSpaLoader.options.debug.enable = true;
FFSpaLoader.options.server.url = 'http://myserver';
FFSpaLoader.options.server.assets = '/api/path/to/spa/client/resources';
FFSpaLoader.start(function() {
console.log('FFExample.boot done');
## Usage Multi Server
Leave out the 'FFSpaLoader.options.server.url' option then the user will be promted to input
the server on first boot.
## Options
* options.debug.enable = Enable console debug output.
## Example Application
There is a fully working express example application in the example folder.
## Tested Browsers
* Chromium 46
* Iceweasel 43
* Opera 12 Presto
* Android 5 in Cordova
## Contributing
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.
Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
## Release History
### 0.1.x
* Initial release