inital commit 1.0

This commit is contained in:
Willem Cazander 2020-05-01 04:00:32 +02:00
parent 60183a3690
commit 98a9d2d03f
5 changed files with 272 additions and 1 deletions

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
PATH_SDCC ?= /usr/bin
PATH_HEX2BIN ?= /usr/bin
PATH_BIN := bin
BUILD_ALL := "Use 'make help' for possible targets."
BUILD_HELP := "Use one of the following build targets;"
.PHONY: all
@echo $(BUILD_ALL)
BUILD_HELP += \\n\\t* help
.PHONY: help
@echo $(BUILD_HELP)
BUILD_HELP += \\n\\t* clean
.PHONY: clean
rm bin -rf
mkdir -p bin/omsxctl
bin/omsxctl/%.rel: src/%.asm | bin/omsxctl
$(PATH_SDCC)/sdasz80 -g -l -c -o $@ $<
bin/omsxctl/omsxctl.hex: bin/omsxctl/omsxctl.rel
$(PATH_SDCC)/sdcc -mz80 --no-std-crt0 --code-loc 0x0100 -o $@ $<
BUILD_HELP += \\n\\t* bin/omsxctl/
bin/omsxctl/ bin/omsxctl/omsxctl.hex
cd bin/omsxctl && $(PATH_HEX2BIN)/hex2bin -e com omsxctl.hex
mkdir -p bin/dist
bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME): | bin/dist
mkdir -p bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)
bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/ bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME) | bin/omsxctl/
cp bin/omsxctl/ bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/
bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/omsxctl.tcl: bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)
cp src/omsxctl.tcl bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/omsxctl.tcl
BUILD_HELP += \\n\\t* bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME).tar.gz
bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME).tar.gz: bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/ bin/dist/$(BUILD_NAME)/omsxctl.tcl
cd bin/dist && tar -czvf $(BUILD_NAME).tar.gz $(BUILD_NAME)

7 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# Local included makefile fragment.
# Save this file without tpl suffix and custumize it.
# Change to local installations if needed;
#PATH_SDCC ?= /usr/bin
#PATH_HEX2BIN ?= /usr/bin

View File

@ -1,3 +1,26 @@
# omsxctl # omsxctl
OpenMSXConTroL Utility and script 'OpenMSXConTroL' is an utility to send control commands to openMSX from within the emulated msx.
Original idea by 'immetoo' implemented with help from 'm9710797'
## Usage
Pass the script on the openMSX command line:
openmsx -script <path-to>/omsxctl.tcl
And then in MSX-DOS execute something like:
omsxctl set throttle off
omsxctl exit
## build
Copy to and setup your lib paths and type;
make help

src/omsxctl.asm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
; MSX-DOS utility to execute openMSX commands from within the MSX.
; This can be used to e.g. integrate a MSX program in a build chain
; on the host computer.
; For example start openMSX from the command line like this:
; openmsx -script omsxctl.tcl -diska my_directory
; And inside my_directory/ put the a AUTOEXEC.BAT with content:
; omsxctl after time 100 "exit 1"
; my_tool my_data.out
; omsxctl exit 0
bdos .equ 0x5
PutChr .equ 0x2
ArgSize .equ 0x0080
ArgData .equ 0x0081
ScriptPort .equ 0x2d
.area _CODE
; Detect whether the 'omsxctl.tcl' script is active.
ld hl,#ZeroStr ; empty command (doesn't produce output)
out (ScriptPort),a ; script should change clear carry flag
jr c,ErrNoScript
; Process command line.
ld a,(ArgSize)
or a
jr z,ErrNoArgs
ld hl,#ArgData
add a,l
ld l,a
ld (hl),#0 ; write 0-terminator (needed for DOS1?)
; Execute command.
ld hl,#ArgData+1 ; skip first space
ld de,#ResultBuf
ld bc,#ResultBufSize
out (ScriptPort),a
; Did the command give an error?
jr nc,NoError
ld hl,#TxtCmdError
push bc
call Print
pop bc
; Was the result string truncated?
ld a,b
and c
inc a ; BC == 0xffff ?
jr nz,NotTruncated
ld hl,#TxtTruncated
call Print
ld bc,#ResultBufSize
; Print the result string and translate \n to \r\n.
ld hl,#ResultBuf
ld a,b
or c
jr z,Done
push hl
push bc
ld a,(hl)
cp #10
jr nz,Not10
ld e,#13
ld c,#PutChr
call bdos
ld a,#10
ld e,a
ld c,#PutChr
call bdos
pop bc
pop hl
inc hl
dec bc
jr ResultLoop
ld hl,#TxtNewLine
jr Print
ld hl,#TxtErrNoScript
jr Print
ld hl,#TxtErrNoArgs
; print
ld a,(hl)
or a
ret z
ld e,a
ld c,#PutChr
push hl
call bdos
pop hl
inc hl
jr Print
.str "The 'omsxctl.tcl' script is not active."
.db 0
.str "No arguments given."
.db 0
.str "ERROR: "
.db 0
.str "[truncated]"
.db 13, 10
.db 0
ResultBufSize .equ 0x4000
.area _DATA

src/omsxctl.tcl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# omsxctl -- execute openMSX commands from within an MSX program
# Typically used in combination with the MSX-DOS '' utility.
# But can also be used from any other MSX program with a code snippet like
# this:
# ld hl,command ; pointer to the to be executed command
# ld de,result ; the result of the command is written here
# ld bc,resultSize ; size of the result buffer (set to 0 if result is not needed)
# out (#2d),a ; the value of A doesn't matter
# jp c,error ; carry-flag set if there was an error executing the command
# ; BC is set to the actual length of the result string,
# ; or set to 0xffff when the result buffer was too small,
# ; in that case the result is still written to [DE] but truncated.
# Limitations:
# Strings containing characters >=128 are not handled well:
# - For passing the command string from the MSX to openMSX this could be
# fixed (but is it worth it?).
# - For passing the result from openMSX to the MSX I currently don't see a
# solution that handles both arbitrary utf-8 strings and binary data (e.g.
# created via the 'binary format' Tcl command). The current implementation
# chooses to handle binary data (and of course pure ASCII strings work fine
# as well).
proc trigger_omsxctl {} {
# Read the command string from memory.
set hl [reg HL]
set cmd ""
while 1 {
set c [peek $hl]
incr hl
if {$c == 0} break
append cmd [binary format c $c]
# Execute the command.
set err [catch [list uplevel #0 $cmd] result]
# Write the error status to the carry flag.
reg F [expr {([reg F] & 0xfe) | $err}]
# Write the result back to memory.
set len [string length $result]
set de [reg DE]
set bc [reg BC]
for {set i 0} {$i < $bc && $i < $len} {incr i} {
binary scan [string index $result $i] c c
poke [expr {$de + $i}] $c
# Write the actual result-length to BC.
reg BC [expr {($len <= $bc) ? $len : 0xffff}]
# Register callback on write to IO-port 0x2d.
debug set_watchpoint write_io 0x2d 1 trigger_omsxctl