// Sample RFM69 sender/node sketch, with ACK and optional encryption // Sends periodic messages of increasing length to gateway (id=1) // It also looks for an onboard FLASH chip, if present // Library and code by Felix Rusu - felix@lowpowerlab.com // Get the RFM69 and SPIFlash library at: https://github.com/LowPowerLab/ #include //get it here: https://www.github.com/lowpowerlab/rfm69 #include #include //get it here: https://www.github.com/lowpowerlab/spiflash #define NODEID 2 //unique for each node on same network #define NETWORKID 100 //the same on all nodes that talk to each other #define GATEWAYID 1 //Match frequency to the hardware version of the radio on your Moteino (uncomment one): #define FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ //#define FREQUENCY RF69_868MHZ //#define FREQUENCY RF69_915MHZ #define ENCRYPTKEY "sampleEncryptKey" //exactly the same 16 characters/bytes on all nodes! //#define IS_RFM69HW //uncomment only for RFM69HW! Leave out if you have RFM69W! #define ACK_TIME 30 // max # of ms to wait for an ack #ifdef __AVR_ATmega1284P__ #define LED 15 // Moteino MEGAs have LEDs on D15 #define FLASH_SS 23 // and FLASH SS on D23 #else #define LED 9 // Moteinos have LEDs on D9 #define FLASH_SS 8 // and FLASH SS on D8 #endif #define SERIAL_BAUD 115200 int TRANSMITPERIOD = 150; //transmit a packet to gateway so often (in ms) char payload[] = "123 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char buff[20]; byte sendSize=0; boolean requestACK = false; SPIFlash flash(FLASH_SS, 0xEF30); //EF30 for 4mbit Windbond chip (W25X40CL) RFM69 radio; void setup() { Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD); radio.initialize(FREQUENCY,NODEID,NETWORKID); #ifdef IS_RFM69HW radio.setHighPower(); //uncomment only for RFM69HW! #endif radio.encrypt(ENCRYPTKEY); //radio.setFrequency(919000000); //set frequency to some custom frequency char buff[50]; sprintf(buff, "\nTransmitting at %d Mhz...", FREQUENCY==RF69_433MHZ ? 433 : FREQUENCY==RF69_868MHZ ? 868 : 915); Serial.println(buff); if (flash.initialize()) { Serial.print("SPI Flash Init OK ... UniqueID (MAC): "); flash.readUniqueId(); for (byte i=0;i<8;i++) { Serial.print(flash.UNIQUEID[i], HEX); Serial.print(' '); } Serial.println(); } else Serial.println("SPI Flash Init FAIL! (is chip present?)"); } long lastPeriod = 0; void loop() { //process any serial input if (Serial.available() > 0) { char input = Serial.read(); if (input >= 48 && input <= 57) //[0,9] { TRANSMITPERIOD = 100 * (input-48); if (TRANSMITPERIOD == 0) TRANSMITPERIOD = 1000; Serial.print("\nChanging delay to "); Serial.print(TRANSMITPERIOD); Serial.println("ms\n"); } if (input == 'r') //d=dump register values radio.readAllRegs(); //if (input == 'E') //E=enable encryption // radio.encrypt(KEY); //if (input == 'e') //e=disable encryption // radio.encrypt(null); if (input == 'd') //d=dump flash area { Serial.println("Flash content:"); uint16_t counter = 0; Serial.print("0-256: "); while(counter<=256){ Serial.print(flash.readByte(counter++), HEX); Serial.print('.'); } while(flash.busy()); Serial.println(); } if (input == 'e') { Serial.print("Erasing Flash chip ... "); flash.chipErase(); while(flash.busy()); Serial.println("DONE"); } if (input == 'i') { Serial.print("DeviceID: "); word jedecid = flash.readDeviceId(); Serial.println(jedecid, HEX); } } //check for any received packets if (radio.receiveDone()) { Serial.print('[');Serial.print(radio.SENDERID, DEC);Serial.print("] "); for (byte i = 0; i < radio.DATALEN; i++) Serial.print((char)radio.DATA[i]); Serial.print(" [RX_RSSI:");Serial.print(radio.RSSI);Serial.print("]"); if (radio.ACKRequested()) { radio.sendACK(); Serial.print(" - ACK sent"); } Blink(LED,3); Serial.println(); } int currPeriod = millis()/TRANSMITPERIOD; if (currPeriod != lastPeriod) { lastPeriod=currPeriod; //send FLASH id if(sendSize==0) { sprintf(buff, "FLASH_MEM_ID:0x%X", flash.readDeviceId()); byte buffLen=strlen(buff); if (radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, buff, buffLen)) Serial.print(" ok!"); else Serial.print(" nothing..."); //sendSize = (sendSize + 1) % 31; } else { Serial.print("Sending["); Serial.print(sendSize); Serial.print("]: "); for(byte i = 0; i < sendSize; i++) Serial.print((char)payload[i]); if (radio.sendWithRetry(GATEWAYID, payload, sendSize)) Serial.print(" ok!"); else Serial.print(" nothing..."); } sendSize = (sendSize + 1) % 31; Serial.println(); Blink(LED,3); } } void Blink(byte PIN, int DELAY_MS) { pinMode(PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN,HIGH); delay(DELAY_MS); digitalWrite(PIN,LOW); }