78 lines
2.8 KiB
78 lines
2.8 KiB
#include <EtherCard.h>
#define TCP_FLAGS_FIN_V 1 //as declared in net.h
#define TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V 0x10 //as declared in net.h
static byte myip[] = { 192,168,0,66 };
static byte gwip[] = { 192,168,0,250 };
static byte mymac[] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2D,0x30,0x39 };
byte Ethernet::buffer[900]; // tcp ip send and receive buffer
const char pageA[] PROGMEM =
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
"multipackets Test"
"<a href='/'>Start here</a><br>"
"<h3>packet 1</h3>"
"the first packet send "
const char pageB[] PROGMEM =
"<h3>packet 2</h3>"
"if you read this it mean it works"
const char pageC[] PROGMEM =
"<h3>packet 3</h3>"
"if you read this it mean it works"
const char pageD[] PROGMEM =
"<h3>packet 4</h3>"
"if you read this it mean it works"
const char pageE[] PROGMEM =
"<h3>packet 5</h3>"
"this is the last packet"
void setup(){
ether.begin(sizeof Ethernet::buffer, mymac , 10);// 53 for the mega ethernet shield and 10 for normal ethernet shield
ether.staticSetup(myip, gwip);
void loop(){
word pos = ether.packetLoop(ether.packetReceive());
// check if valid tcp data is received
if (pos) {
char* data = (char *) Ethernet::buffer + pos;
if (strncmp("GET / ", data, 6) == 0) {
ether.httpServerReplyAck(); // send ack to the request
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageA, sizeof pageA); // send first packet and not send the terminate flag
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageA - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V);
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageB, sizeof pageB); // send second packet and not send the terminate flag
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageB - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V);
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageC, sizeof pageC); // send thirdt packet and not send the terminate flag
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageC - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V);
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageD, sizeof pageD); // send fourth packet and not send the terminate flag
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageD - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V);
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageE, sizeof pageE); // send fiveth packet and send the terminate flag
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageE - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V|TCP_FLAGS_FIN_V); }
ether.httpServerReplyAck(); // send ack to the request
memcpy_P(ether.tcpOffset(), pageA, sizeof pageA);//only the first part will sended
ether.httpServerReply_with_flags(sizeof pageA - 1,TCP_FLAGS_ACK_V|TCP_FLAGS_FIN_V);