# 4-Corner-Numary-Hinarī Resource naming based on fixed reserved keyword list so auto native filenames are possible. This set should be defined in lingua terminator DB using 72 bit tree slugs... Rules: - gemstone: 20 words + 4 words extension (is 3 x V144Tocta's or 54 x byte) - gemfolder: 24 words, max 4 levels - one gemglyph word is 18 bit (see V018Tord) - one gemglyph word has one fixed meaning to have hard-coded translations - In unicode file paths use the HinarīX9 encoding of The Word - if gemstone name is lesser then 20 words than use MIN as seperator org: bundle/org.apache.felix.scr-2.2.0.jar num: 27712/80606-17120-44960-83150-10100-10100-10307.61011-81417 4CNH: יֽ֕זְ֔/זֲ֟דֲ֩יֳ֟ײֳ֔יֳ֞וֶ֕זֵ֟ױֳ֩רְ֠װֶ֔רְ֠װֶ֔װֽ֕רֶ֔יֽ֔יֽ֔װֶ֕וְ֕ײֵ֔וֲ֩ ## Hardware friendly Full path is fixed size, for example when we use The word number; - filename: 24 x V018Tord = 3 x V144Tocta = 54 bytes - path: 4 x 24 x V018Tord = 12 x V144Tocta = 216 bytes - HyperdriveId: 64 chars = 2 x V144Tocta = 32 bytes Gives total of 302 bytes or 17 x V144Tocta for hardware based blockchain files. ## Example data Four corner code lookup: https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary?page=chardict warp = 2291.4 = 紝 = weave, lay warp hash = 0022.0 = 廁 = toilet, lavatory; mingle with sea = 3815.7 = 海 = sea, ocean; maritime file = 7520.6 = 陣 = column, row or file of troops mine = 5500.0 = 井 = well, mine shaft, pit java = 6101.1 = 啡 = morphine; coffee jar = 8141.7 = 瓶 = jug, pitcher, vase, jar, bottle bundle = 2771.2 = 包 = wrap, pack, bundle; package organization = 8060.6 = 會 = to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization feather = 1712.0 = 羽 = feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 flower = 4496.0 = 葙 = feather cockscomb (Celosia argentea) inject = 8315.0 = 鍼 = needle, pin, tack; prick; inject promise = 0864.0 = 許 = allow, permit; promise; betroth method = 4321.0 = 朮 = skill, art; method; trick, device container = 7710.0 = 皿 = shallow container; rad. no. 108 system = 2220.0 = 制 = system; establish; overpower temple = 3060.6 = 宮 = palace, temple, dwelling, enclose dependency = 2411.1 = 靠 = lean on, trust, depend on; near zero = 1030.7 = 零 = zero; fragment, fraction one = 1000.0 = 一 = one; a, an; alone two = 1010.0 = 二 = two; twice three = 1010.1 = 三 = three four = 6021.0 = 四 = four immortal = 2227.0 = 仙 = Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal highest = 2110.0 = 上 = top; superior, highest; go up, send up lord = 0010.4 = 主 = master, chief owner; host; lord heaven = 1043.0 = 天 = sky, heaven; god, celestial blue = 4410.7 = 藍 = blue; indigo plant; surname white = 2466.1 = 皓 = bright, luminous; clear; hoary red = 2191.0 = 紅 = red, vermillion; blush, flush orange = 4291.8 = 橙 = orange green = 2793.2 = 綠 = green; chlorine yellow = 4480.6 = 黃 = yellow; surname brown = 3622.7 = 褐 = coarse woolen cloth; dull, dark black = 6033.1 = 黑 = black; dark; evil, sinister purple = 2497.0 = 紺 = dark blue or reddish color With fixed keyword list coding, all abstract internal computing resource naming is localized; 4CNH: יֽ֕זְ֔/זֲ֟דֲ֩יֳ֟ײֳ֔יֳ֞וֶ֕זֵ֟ױֳ֩רְ֠װֶ֔רְ֠װֶ֔װֽ֕רֶ֔יֽ֔יֽ֔װֶ֕וְ֕ײֵ֔וֲ֩ en: bundle/organization-feather-flower-inject-two-two-zero.java-jar nl: bundel/organisatie-veerkracht-bloem-injecteren-twee-twee-nul.java-kan hi: बंडल/संगठन-पंख-फूल-इंजेक्षन-दो-दो-शून्य.जावा-जार cn: 捆/組織-羽毛-花-注入-二-二-零。爪哇-罐 See only China has it own full language, all other fake languages lift on latin whitespace. ## Hinarī Encoding GunT008ᖟHinarī: ["י","ײ","ױ","װ","ר","ד","ז","ו"]; GunT008ᖟHinarīSupplement6: ["\u05BD","\u05B5","\u05B6","\u05B2","\u05B3","\u05BB","\u05B0","\u05B7"]; GunT008ᖟHinarīSupplement9: ["\u0594","\u0595","\u05A9","\u059F","\u0598","\u05A0","\u059E","\u059D"]; Stable Typed Inverse BIT Zero; Hinarī + Supplement6 + Supplement9 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 "י" i=5bd אֽ i=594 א֔ "ײ" i=5b5 אֵ i=595 א֕ "ױ" i=5b6 אֶ i=5a9 א֩ "װ" i=5b2 אֲ i=59f א֟ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "ר" i=5b3 אֳ i=598 א֘ "ד" i=5bb אֻ i=5a0 א֠ "ז" i=5b0 אְ i=59e א֞ "ו" i=5b7 אַ i=59d א֝ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Results in; HinarīX3: ייייייווווווזוװװדירדײײדיריײיייזוױרױי HinarīX6: יֽיֽיֽוַוַוַזַװֲדֽרֻײֵדֽרֽײֽיֽזַױֳױֽ HinarīX9: יֽ֔יֽ֔וַ֝וַ֝זַ֟װֻ֔רֻ֕ײֻ֔רֽ֕יֽ֔זַ֩רֶ֔ //MIN+MAX+#immortal+#highest+#lord+#heaven V018Tord[] {0,262143,22270,21100,00104,10430}; An adult #CPU is 18 bit, thus "יֽ֔יֽ֔" is like 0x00 in hex.