-- x4o TODO list -- - static field constant converter - full Xinclude test - compleet eld doc html/css. - move loading back into sax phase so version can readout on root tag. - meta add more ns and jndi ref/etc' - redo eld/default converters config - tag aliases - lang-el-beans.xml loading - Add XML schema tags to ELD - Auto generate schemas from eld - Basic write support - Basic editor support - Make converter config/loading better - Single xsd output - class dtd entity loading - new ns for entity catalog for class resource - Add w3c html namespace in eld for description tag - move Boolean default from code to xml + conf. -- IDEAS -- - add support javax.xml.xpath for xpath support - add java.script support - event listeners on all DOM tree element operations - custom and merga'ble parse phases for speed - make element tree jdom api compatible - Test if possible to use threadpool for executing phases -- TODO for version 1.0 -- ## NON-CODE - Add tutorial - doc eld and x4o lang files ##CODE - Add (super) tag for extending tags of other namespace - XMLOverrideEvent - inboud sax parser !! - input stream output converter :) - eld static method binding for EL - (50%) converters - more junit tests - multi and overrides in namespaces - localoverride - (DONE) multi phase parsing - for loop support - templateing. - merging of object tree's - sax with all x4o feutures like templating - x4o:include option - Xinclude option - SAX events as input source - (70%) XML debug output