Building X4O Software requirements; - JDK 1.5++ - Maven 3.0.1++ (3.0.3++ for jdk5) -- Create package -- cd project-root/; mvn clean package; -- Install local package -- cd project-root/; mvn clean install; -- Update schemas in src -- -- note; rm after auto schema creation cd project-root/; mvn clean install; mvn -Pant-update-schema-cel package; mvn -Pant-update-schema-eld package; - Add the license as manual step in xsd files. (todo in ant task) note: the do 'install' is because of circle plugins. -- Run multi jvm test -- Run tests in all jvms; src/main/build/ Run tests in single jvm; src/main/build/ /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.5.0_22/ -- Make release build -- cd /tmp; git clone ssh://; cd x4o; mvn clean package; mvn -B -Dusername= clean install release:clean release:prepare release:perform; src/main/build/ -- Make site -- cd project-root/; mvn clean install; # (installs the snapshots plugins so we can run the current eld-doc task in site phase) MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m" mvn -Pbuild-site-x4o-support clean package site site:stage; cp -r target/staging/x4o-* target/site/; cp -r target/site/ ~/public_html/site-x4o; -- Check for code style -- cd project-root/; mvn checkstyle:checkstyle -- Check for licenses -- cd project-root/; mvn -Pcheck-license license:check To update all files from check output; mvn -Pcheck-license license:format -- Check for versions-updates -- cd project-root/; mvn versions:display-plugin-updates; mvn versions:display-dependency-updates; -- Run x4o-plugin-maven from cmd -- cd project-root/; mvn clean install; mvn org.x4o.plugin:x4o-plugin-maven:help mvn org.x4o.plugin:x4o-plugin-maven:write-language-doc -DoutputDirectory=/tmp/doc1 mvn org.x4o.plugin:x4o-plugin-maven:write-language-doc -DoutputDirectory=/tmp/doc2 -Dlanguages={eld=ALL,swixml=1.0-2.0} -Dverbose=true