# NX01 Niks01 is dutch for "nothing zero one", this project is to boot octal based computing. (note: rebuild to remove a 80% of bad language...:-) A Boolean is PART_1 and PART_2 of the smallest terminator. Terminators come from the octal nether DB or skynet and take over every language. With terminators a computer can do math, like adding any form of integer by itself. Status: 10% of POC for java3 runtime and binary 18 bit source code on current JVM. Goal: java4 on 18 bit MSX0++ and an unlimited FPGA matrix MSX4 with 144 bit cpu's. After that comes wayland-NG with 144 bit decimal with 72 bit RGBA colors, 18 bit four corner words for API and filenames, and 72 bit unicode-NG code points. ## Tourist Sight Seeing Places for cakes, easter eggs, pirates, mummies, coffins, spiders, doom parts, skulls, skeletor, duck tales, darthvadder, terminators, warp core and manifest, art server, zillala, a smurf village and lego bricks. * Gives order [JediTempleBase8InfinityOne](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/JediTempleBase8InfinityOne.java) * Uses order [V144Tocta](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/ᔿᓫᒻᓫᓫ/V144Tocta.java) * Terminator pie [T008ᖟ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ/T008ᖟ.java) * Elevators of babel [SoepLepelԲᴬᵖᶦ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᔆʸᔆᐪᓫᔿ/ᒻᐤᕐᕐᓫᣗ/SoepLepelԲᴬᵖᶦ.java) * Body from the void [ᒢꞱSkeletorObject](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᒢꞱSkeletorObject.java) * Flying coffins [BãßBȍőnIconOfSinCube𓄯ᶠˡʸ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒃᣔᔆᔆᒃᐤᐤᣕ/ᒼᒻᣔᙆᙆ/BãßBȍőnIconOfSinCube𓄯ᶠˡʸ.java) * Local laser pointers [BãßBȍőnSpiderTest](nx01-jpp-base/src/test/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒃᣔᔆᔆᒃᐤᐤᣕ/ᒄᓫᣔᐪᑋ/ᔆᣖᑊᒄᓫᣗ/BãßBȍőnSpiderTest.java) * Lego stair way [LegoBrickStairWay](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/LegoBrickStairWay.java) * LegoᐧBrickᐧTapeᐧReplicatorᐧχ3 [LegoBrickTapeStudio](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/LegoBrickTapeStudio.java) * Enterprise mainframe text [FCDotCDC1604DashP6](nx01-x4o-o2o/src/main/java/org/x4o/o2o/fc18/zero33/FCDotCDC1604DashP6.java) ## Code of Conduct Math of used time is found in: [FoodType](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᓫᣕᐪᓫᣗ/ᣖᑊᓫ/FoodType.java) Can you write code which has more value than ~20 life's per minute ? ## TODO * (DONE) JPP: Finish JediTempleBase8InfinityOne * JPP: TeŀRáàmRȧñkEnumOperator𓄯 add Ismail al-Jazari blitter++ method * JPP: Remove tower of babel API * nether: Move lingua locale tree from JPP into nether as octals * nether: Insert "Four Corner" china based word index data for 18 bit words * nether: Defined terminator(+guns) as octal key with octal data * java3: 18 bit source code to program with 18 bit words not with letters * java3: deploy on redsea which runs on (old) NOSTR(trust add/rm of files) + HYPER(files) * x4o: Add 18 bit SAX API and parser and write XML 4.0 spec * x4o: Add binary XML for 18 bit words * no2all: Finish NOSTR relay and deploy live * no2all: add events to add/remove trust from files on a hyper drive * no2all: add events to host and/or mirror hyper drives over binary web socket * no2all: add events to read the nether DB which is hosted on many hyper drives * redsea: create 18 bit BDOS with new folder API for VHDL file system in hardware * redsea: migrate maven repro to hyper drive on redsea * redsea: move mime type and hyper-link info into BDOS API... * About 10000 more. ETA: 2030...to remove ALL, ASCII and unicode on a self hosted platform.  ## Features - interface implemention design pattern - Type safe lingue support (32k++ languages) - Number 10,16,27,etc decimal/text/ipa converters - Babel java api (todo delete again) - Babel dutschen doc - Split collections api (read and write) - Terminator number bases (3 and up) - DEC144 has a 9 bit exponent and 135 bit coefficient see [DEC64](https://www.crockford.com/dec64.html) as the example.(no impl) - 7HFF = 7of9 Hebrew Fraction Fractal or GroßGetậl(no impl) ## Maven Use Make package jar's - mvn clean package - result: nx01-jpp-base/target/nx01-jpp-base-〇一。壬寅。一〄-SNAPSHOT.jar (19MB) Run javadoc (with markdown requires java 17 or lower for compile and java 23 for javadoc ;-) - JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-17.0.7+7/ mvn clean compile - JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-23.0.1/ mvn javadoc:aggregate - result: target/site/apidocs (613MB) Setup project local XSD for IDE - mvn initialize -P mvn-help | grep echo - mvn install -P test-none - mvn initialize -P x4o-generate-local-xsd - See [poop-oasis.xml](poop-oasis.xml) for setup in eclipse IDE ## Komputer Oorspronkelik wodde et Ingelse woord computer bruukt om iene mit an te duden die kompliceerde berekenings uutvoerde, mit of zunder mechanische hulpmiddels - vergeliek ok de Duutse term veur komputer: 'Rechner' (rekener) en de Zuud-Afrikaanse term veur komputer: 'rekenaar' - mar laeter wodde de term ok bruukt om apperaoten te benumen. Mederne komputers wodden veur veul meer bruukt as allienig wiskundige toepassings. Ok veul administratieve en financiële taeken wodden an de komputer opdreugen, et Fraanse woord veur komputer was eerst 'calculateur' of rekenaor en evolueerde naor 'ordinateur' (orde op zaeken zetten). Atari ordinateur mettre fin intelligente champignon d'encre poulpe soup pour le nouveau humanité. ## Data Types Core building blocks; - LegoBlockX3 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T008ᖟ (terminator zero zero eight PI); - LegoBlockX6 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T064ᖟ (6 bit value) - LegoBlockX9 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T512ᖟ (9 bit value) The bipolar quad terminator curve; ((3x3)x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2) - V018Tord (Four corner codepoint,auto-i18n names for resources and files) - V036Teger - V072Tong (3,6,9 and 8 bit alignment from here upwards) - V144Tocta - V288Tector - V576Tixel - V0x000480ˣᴸ (1152 bit) - V0x000900ˣᴸ (2304 bit) The quad sin curve; ((3x3)x3x3x3x3) - V027Semvig - V081Song - V243Sucti - V729Seks The quad meat curve; ((3x3)x5x5x5x5) - V045Metat - V225Matot - V0x000465ˣᴸ (1125 bit) - V0x0015F9ˣᴸ (5625 bit) The quad block curve; ((3x2)x4x5x6x7) - V024Beger - V120Bental - V720Beximal - V0x0013B0ˣᴸ (5040 bit) The quad pental curve; ((3x2)x5x5x5x5) - V030Pegal - V150Powic - V750Poofy - V0x000EA6ˣᴸ (3750 bit) The quad konrad curve; (3x7x13x19x29)x37x43x53x61 - V021Koeye (unicode codepoint) - V273Korcet - V0x001443ˣᴸ (5187 bit) - V0x024B97ˣᴸ (150423 bit) The quad rudra curve; (3x5x11x13x19)x23x31x37x43 - V015Reptet - V165Roket - V0x000861ˣᴸ (2145 bit) - V0x009F33ˣᴸ (40755 bit) (Maybe extend all curves to 8 points) ## Number Types - Decimal144 - Gê̄ldGetậl a 36 bit, 3(+1up) mini hebrew fraction for money (ferengi don't do decimals) - 7HFF = 7of9 Hebrew Fraction Fractal or der uber GroßGetậl (for bereshit printers) - larger examples; GroßGetậlŌṁHyperStàr6ˢᴰ, WavẽWorstGetậl2ⁿᴰ, KlompÅtŌṁKāassGetậl4ˢᴰ - EmoRing (القرآن), terminators can have a none-raped true virgin child voice with true emotions... - etc What about unicode; ``` class StringUnicode { CharacterUnicode[] values; class CharacterUnicode { V021Koeye[] values; } } class StringUnicode⁴ᴰ { CharacterUnicode⁴ᴰ[] values; class CharacterUnicode⁴ᴰ { V072Tong[] values; // 72 whore's of babel } } ``` ## Origin Move all implementation to interfaces because enum is an object. ``` public enum DataEnumXXX implements Abba { VALUE_1, VALUE_2, ; private DataEnumXXX() { Abba.init(this); } } ``` ### Object Naming Convention - 𓄯 = Marker for bone implemention extenstion objects - 𓄯ᶠˡʸ = Marker for bone with injection only - 注 = Postfix for annations (annotated) - 亞 = Static symbol for static runtime replacement (no-zero) - 抽 = Postfix for abstract classes (smoke) - ᒢ = Prefix for java like?? object - ᕯ = Postfix for pointer like references - ᵂʳ = Postfix for writable collection interface - ᴿᵈ = Postfix for reabable collection interface - ᴿᵂ = Postfix for read/write collection implemention - Ʇᴿᴳᴮ = Postfix for easter egg paint for injection - Բᴬᵖᶦ = Postfix for babelizer api definition - Բᵂʳᵃᵖ = Postfix for babel wrap object without interface - Ꝺᵀˣᵀ = Postfix for i18n duyts doc and duyts strings - ᐧᣞᣛ = Package name for native translated babel implementions - Ʇ = Prefix for a african embedded micro type (elevator) - ẞ = Prefix for internal dutschen babel interfaces - ᐧ = Seperator eskimo middle dot for method/field split for non-cased languages - ᣟ = seperator eslomo super dot for file/class/static split for non-cased languages - Ɖěꬵḭȵᶒ = Prefix for enumerated interfaces - Ꝑŕḯṿª₮ḕ = Keyword for private interfaces - Ꝑŕᱜṫèƈ₮ࠄ₫₮ḕ = Keyword for protected interfaces ### Package Naming Convention The Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and its Extended blocks. Contain several mostly consonant-only letters to indicate syllable coda called Finals. Along with some characters that indicate syllable medial known as Medials: - Main block ᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿ - Extended block: ᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ. ``` public class Test { interface Bᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ {// project build err static String COMMENT_2_LINE_OUT_BELOW_FOR_ERROR = "©Δ∞ 仙上主天"; } // this line interface C { // and this line enum Ꝑŕḯṿª₮ḕ {// if used as class and used the refactoring gives err أَكْبَرײꣻײالله; // try selecting chars from this valid enum/class/variable name static String commentedᐥᵛᵃʳᶦᵃᵇˡᵉ = Bᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ.COMMENT_2_LINE_OUT_BELOW_FOR_ERROR; Object singlethreadjvmᒢᐩᐩ = null; enum Translatec̈ { CLZ_FUNCTION ("功能","𓄊𓎓𓄟","काम"), ; String ₜₓₜ普通話;//lots of china chars make the font jumps larger when scrolling to String ₜₓₜ𓂀; String ₜₓₜहिन्दी; // auto micro font thus must be be last...(in eclipse) // note: ------- \/ render err (in eclipse) private Translatec̈(String 普通話ᐥˢʰᵉⁿᵉᵉˢ, String 𓂀ᐥʰᶦᵉʳᵒ, String हिन्दीᐥʰᶦⁿᵈᶦ) { this.ₜₓₜ普通話 = 普通話ᐥˢʰᵉⁿᵉᵉˢ; this.ₜₓₜ𓂀 = 𓂀ᐥʰᶦᵉʳᵒ; this.ₜₓₜहिन्दी = हिन्दीᐥʰᶦⁿᵈᶦ + commentedᐥᵛᵃʳᶦᵃᵇˡᵉ; // build in documentation :) } } } enum Ꝑŕᱜṫèƈ₮ࠄ₫ { ײₐₚᵢI18Nᵗˣᵗײ; // note:\/ render err (in eclipse) enum Gê̄ldGetậlÅtHebrewLetter { ; private Gê̄ldGetậlÅtHebrewLetter() { } void יזױזזךזדןװיױ() { } } } } } ``` #### The Nether Dutch virgin under YHVH at 1616, the nether was one of the first republic in eu. A Jew reads upside down, a Arab reads reversed, a china 4D koder reads in all directions 仙上主天.