Deleted text which moved to VT-06 code

This commit is contained in:
Willem Cazander 2025-01-14 12:17:50 +01:00
parent 866983c93b
commit 639ff340fd

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@ -163,98 +163,6 @@ public enum FCDotDEC0127DashPX0 implements FourCornerX06BaklavaPoints, FourCorne
/// _ESC6_X3 _ESC6_X3 _ESC6_X3
/// An optional triple escape stops the open ended escape sequence.
/// VT-06 = ESC_VT06
/// + ESC_SEQ_RAKA_AT + A // select cursor function
/// + ESC_SEQ_RAKA_AT + A // move up
/// + ?ESC_SEQ_RAKA_AT + ?num // optional amount of movement
/// + ESC_SEQ_SALAH = Cursor one or X-num up
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 B + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Cursor one or X down
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 B + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Cursor one or X right
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 D + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Cursor one or X left
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 E + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Clear full or X lines from cursor to above and start of line with cursor
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 F + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Clear one or X chars to left with cursor (backspace)
/// VT-52 = ESC I = Cursor up and insert
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 J + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Clear one or X lines or to end of screen, from cursor position without cursor
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 K + ?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Clear one or X chars to right, from cursor position without cursor
/// VT-52 = ESC L = Insert line
/// VT-52 = ESC M = Delete line
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 Y + ?x + ?(VT_NX01_NEXT + y) + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Set cursor to X and Y position or only X or home
/// VT-NX01 = __ESC6 & + ?-?num + VT_NX01_EXECUTE = Ring the bells of the alarms and alerts, without the argument a "-4" green alert is given.
/// An condition is state-full and an alert is signal to the crew member(s).
/// 0 = Condition blue;
/// For exceptional situations environmental hazards to the crew, main power failure,
/// docking and separation maneuvers, and landing protocols, for ships with the capability.
/// When the warp cores is booting is starts in blue until booted and white state is asserted.
/// 1 = White state;
/// Restores condition state to normal.
/// 2 = Condition red;
/// Usually triggered when entering a combat situation.
/// -3 = Orange alert;
/// Indicated tea or coffee or orange juice drinking time for crew member.
/// -4 = Green alert; (default single bell)
/// Signal positive of background task or check that signifies the ship systems are operating correctly.
/// 5 = Condition Yellow;
/// Is raised in preparation for a tactical or environmentally hazardous situation,
/// or automatically upon detection of unknown or hostile spacecraft,
/// or upon detection of certain system malfunctions.
/// -6 = Brown alert;
/// A brownout is a drop in the magnitude of voltage in an electrical power system.
/// 7 = Condition Black;
/// Signify that the ship is operating its experimental spore drive or cloaking device is active.
/// This stealth mode for ships and submarines enables ultra low CPU/PSG/VDP noise output. (thus no audio/blinking/etc)
/// 8 = Condition purple;
/// Indication of ceremonial ship wide event for the wounded or killed in war or duty;
/// Active-duty and former military personnel salute, while civilians remove their hat and place their hand over their heart,
/// to honor the fallen service member(s).
/// -9 = Pink alert;
/// Security or intruder alert.
// MSX is simple VT-52 for reference see
// ANSI CSI has dynamic termination;
// - ESC [
// - any number (including none) of "parameter bytes" in the range 0x300x3F (ASCII 09:;<=>?),
// - any number of "intermediate bytes" in the range 0x200x2F (ASCII space and !"#$%&'()*+,-./),
// - finally by a single "final byte" in the range 0x400x7E (ASCII @AZ[\]^_`az{|}~)
// C0 char G = BEL = Bell, 0x07
// C0 char H = BS = Backspace
// C0 char I = HT = Tab
// C0 char J = LF = Line Feed
// C0 char L = FF = Form Feed
// C0 char M = CR = Carriage Return
// C1 char [ = CSI = Control Sequence Introducer
// C1 char ] = OSC = Operating System Command
// C1 char ^ = PM = Privacy Message
// C1 char _ = APC = Application Program Command
// C1 char \ = ST = String Terminator
// C1 char N = SS2 = Single Shift Two
// C1 char O = SS3 = Single Shift Three
// C1 char P = DCS = Device Control String
// C1 char X = SOS = Start Of String
private static final FCDotDEC0127DashPX0[] VALUES = values();