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+# NX01
+Niks01 is dutch for "nothing zero one",
+this project is to boot octal based computing.
+(note: rebuild to remove a lot of bad language...:-)
+A Boolean is PART_1 and PART_2 of the smallest terminator.
+Terminators come from the octal nether DB or skynet and take over every language.
+With terminators a computer can do math, like adding any form of integer by itself.
+Status: 10% of POC for java3 runtime and binary 18 bit source code.
+Goal: java4 on 18 bit MSX0++ and an unlimited FPGA matrix MSX4 with 144 bit cpu's.
+## Tourist Sight Seeing
+* Gives order [JediTempleBase8InfinityOne](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/JediTempleBase8InfinityOne.java)
+* Uses order [V144Tocta](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᒢᓫᑊᐣᑊ/ᔿᓫᒻᓫᓫ/V144Tocta.java)
+* Terminator pie [T008ᖟ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ/ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ/T008ᖟ.java)
+* Elevators of babel[SoepLepelԲᴬᵖᶦ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᔆʸᔆᐪᓫᔿ/ᒻᐤᕐᕐᓫᣗ/SoepLepelԲᴬᵖᶦ.java)
+* Body from the void [ᒢꞱSkeletorObject](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ/ᒢꞱSkeletorObject.java)
+* Flying coffins [BãßBȍőnIconOfSinCube𓄯ᶠˡʸ](nx01-jpp-base/src/main/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒃᣔᔆᔆᒃᐤᐤᣕ/ᒼᒻᣔᙆᙆ/BãßBȍőnIconOfSinCube𓄯ᶠˡʸ.java)
+* Local laser pointers [BãßBȍőnSpiderTest](nx01-jpp-base/src/test/java/ᒢᐩᐩ/ᒃᣔᔆᔆᒃᐤᐤᣕ/ᒄᓫᣔᐪᑋ/ᔆᣖᑊᒄᓫᣗ/BãßBȍőnSpiderTest.java)
+## TODO
+* (DONE) JPP: Finish JediTempleBase8InfinityOne
+* JPP: Generate terminators + guns from nether DB
+* JPP: Remove tower of babel API
+* JPP: Move lingua into nether DB
+* java3: 18 bit source code to program with 18 bit words not with letters
+* java3: deploy on redsea which runs on (old) NOSTR(trust add/rm of files) + HYPER(files)
+* x4o: Add 18 bit SAX API and parser and write XML 4.0 spec
+* x4o: Add binary XML for 18 bit words
+* no2all: Finish NOSTR relay and deploy live
+* no2all: add events to add/remove trust from files on a hyper drive
+* no2all: add events to host and/or mirror hyper drives over binary web socket
+* no2all: add events to read the nether DB which is hosted on many hyper drives
+* redsea: create 18 bit BDOS with new folder API for VHDL file system in hardware
+* redsea: migrate maven repro to hyper drive on redsea
+* redsea: move mime type and hyper-link info into BDOS API...
+* About 10000 more.
+ETA: 2030...to remove ALL, ASCII and unicode on a self hosted platform.
+## Features
+- interface implemention design pattern
+- Type safe lingue support (32k++ languages)
+- Number 10,16,27,etc decimal/text/ipa converters
+- Babel java api (todo delete again)
+- Babel dutschen doc
+- Split collections api (read and write)
+- Terminator number bases (3 and up)
+- DEC144 has a 9 bit exponent and 135 bit coefficient see
+[DEC64](https://www.crockford.com/dec64.html) as the example.(no impl)
+- 7HFF = 7of9 Hebrew Fraction Fractal or GroßGetậl(no impl)
+## Package
+- mvn clean package
+- result: nx01-jpp-base/target/nx01-jpp-base-〇一。壬寅。一〄-SNAPSHOT.jar (19MB)
+## Komputer
+Oorspronkelik wodde et Ingelse woord computer bruukt om iene mit an te duden die kompliceerde
+berekenings uutvoerde, mit of zunder mechanische hulpmiddels - vergeliek ok de Duutse term veur
+komputer: 'Rechner' (rekener) en de Zuud-Afrikaanse term veur komputer: 'rekenaar' - mar laeter
+wodde de term ok bruukt om apperaoten te benumen. Mederne komputers wodden veur veul meer
+bruukt as allienig wiskundige toepassings. Ok veul administratieve en financiële taeken wodden an
+de komputer opdreugen, et Fraanse woord veur komputer was eerst 'calculateur' of rekenaor en
+evolueerde naor 'ordinateur' (orde op zaeken zetten).
+Atari ordinateur mettre fin intelligente champignon d'encre poulpe soup pour le nouveau humanité.
+## Data Types
+Core building blocks;
+- LegoBlockX3 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T008ᖟ (terminator zero zero eight PI);
+- LegoBlockX6 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T064ᖟ (6 bit value)
+- LegoBlockX9 = ᒢᐩᐩ.ᒡᒢᑊᒻᒻᓫᔿ.ᣳᣝᐤᣜᣳ.ᐪᓫᣗᔿᑊᣕᣔᐪᐤᣗ.T512ᖟ (9 bit value)
+The bipolar quad terminator curve; ((3x3)x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2)
+- V018Tord (Four corner codepoint,auto-i18n names for resources and files)
+- V036Teger
+- V072Tong (3,6,9 and 8 bit alignment from here upwards)
+- V144Tocta
+- V288Tector
+- V576Tixel
+- V0x000480ˣᴸ (1152 bit)
+- V0x000900ˣᴸ (2304 bit)
+The quad sin curve; ((3x3)x3x3x3x3)
+- V027Semvig
+- V081Song
+- V243Sucti
+- V729Seks
+The quad meat curve; ((3x3)x5x5x5x5)
+- V045Metat
+- V225Matot
+- V0x000465ˣᴸ (1125 bit)
+- V0x0015F9ˣᴸ (5625 bit)
+The quad block curve; ((3x2)x4x5x6x7)
+- V024Beger
+- V120Bental
+- V720Beximal
+- V0x0013B0ˣᴸ (5040 bit)
+The quad pental curve; ((3x2)x5x5x5x5)
+- V030Pegal
+- V150Powic
+- V750Poofy
+- V0x000EA6ˣᴸ (3750 bit)
+The quad konrad curve; (3x7x13x19x29)x37x43x53x61
+- V021Koeye (unicode codepoint)
+- V273Korcet
+- V0x001443ˣᴸ (5187 bit)
+- V0x024B97ˣᴸ (150423 bit)
+The quad rudra curve; (3x5x11x13x19)x23x31x37x43
+- V015Reptet
+- V165Roket
+- V0x000861ˣᴸ (2145 bit)
+- V0x009F33ˣᴸ (40755 bit)
+(Maybe extend all curves to 8 points)
+## Number Types
+- Decimal144
+- Gê̄ldGetậl a 36 bit, 3(+1up) mini hebrew fraction for money (ferengi don't do decimals)
+- 7HFF = 7of9 Hebrew Fraction Fractal or der uber GroßGetậl (for bereshit printers)
+- larger examples; GroßGetậlŌṁHyperStàr6ˢᴰ, WavẽWorstGetậl2ⁿᴰ, KlompÅtŌṁKāassGetậl4ˢᴰ
+- EmoRing (القرآن), terminators can have a none-raped true virgin child voice with true emotions...
+- etc
+What about unicode;
+class StringUnicode {
+ CharacterUnicode[] values;
+ class CharacterUnicode {
+ V021Koeye[] values;
+ }
+class StringUnicode⁴ᴰ {
+ CharacterUnicode⁴ᴰ[] values;
+ class CharacterUnicode⁴ᴰ {
+ V072Tong[] values; // 72 whore's of babel
+ }
+## Origin
+Move all implementation to interfaces because enum is an object.
+public enum DataEnumXXX implements Abba {
+ VALUE_1,
+ VALUE_2,
+ ;
+ private DataEnumXXX() {
+ Abba.init(this);
+ }
+### Object Naming Convention
+- 𓄯 = Marker for bone implemention extenstion objects
+- 𓄯ᶠˡʸ = Marker for bone with injection only
+- 注 = Postfix for annations (annotated)
+- 亞 = Static symbol for static runtime replacement (no-zero)
+- 抽 = Postfix for abstract classes (smoke)
+- ᒢ = Prefix for java like?? object
+- ᕯ = Postfix for pointer like references
+- ᵂʳ = Postfix for writable collection interface
+- ᴿᵈ = Postfix for reabable collection interface
+- ᴿᵂ = Postfix for read/write collection implemention
+- Ʇᴿᴳᴮ = Postfix for easter egg paint for injection
+- Բᴬᵖᶦ = Postfix for babelizer api definition
+- Բᵂʳᵃᵖ = Postfix for babel wrap object without interface
+- Ꝺᵀˣᵀ = Postfix for i18n duyts doc and duyts strings
+- ᐧᣞᣛ = Package name for native translated babel implementions
+- Ʇ = Prefix for a african embedded micro type (elevator)
+- ẞ = Prefix for internal dutschen babel interfaces
+- ᐧ = Seperator eskimo middle dot for method/field split for non-cased languages
+- ᣟ = seperator eslomo super dot for file/class/static split for non-cased languages
+- Ɖěꬵḭȵᶒ = Prefix for enumerated interfaces
+- Ꝑŕḯṿª₮ḕ = Keyword for private interfaces
+- Ꝑŕᱜṫèƈ₮ࠄ₫₮ḕ = Keyword for protected interfaces
+### Package Naming Convention
+The Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and its Extended blocks.
+Contain several mostly consonant-only letters to indicate syllable coda called Finals.
+Along with some characters that indicate syllable medial known as Medials:
+- Main block ᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿ
+- Extended block: ᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ.
+public class Test {
+ interface Bᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ {// project build err
+ static String COMMENT_2_LINE_OUT_BELOW_FOR_ERROR = "©Δ∞ 仙上主天";
+ } // this line
+ interface C { // and this line
+ enum Ꝑŕḯṿª₮ḕ {// if used as class and used the refactoring gives err
+ أَكْبَرײꣻײالله; // try selecting chars from this valid enum/class/variable name
+ static String commentedᐥᵛᵃʳᶦᵃᵇˡᵉ = Bᐜᐝᐞᐟᐠᐡᐢᐣᐤᐥᐦᐧᐨᐩᐪᑉᑊᑋᒃᒄᒡᒢᒻᒼᒽᒾᓐᓑᓒᓪᓫᔅᔆᔇᔈᔉᔊᔋᔥᔾᔿᕀᕁᕐᕑᕝᕪᕻᕯᕽᖅᖕᖖᖟᖦᖮᗮᘁᙆᙇᙾᙿᣔᣕᣖᣗᣘᣙᣚᣛᣜᣝᣞᣟᣳᣴᣵ.COMMENT_2_LINE_OUT_BELOW_FOR_ERROR;
+ Object singlethreadjvmᒢᐩᐩ = null;
+ enum Translatec̈ {
+ CLZ_FUNCTION ("功能","𓄊𓎓𓄟","काम"),
+ ;
+ String ₜₓₜ普通話;//lots of china chars make the font jumps larger when scrolling to
+ String ₜₓₜ𓂀;
+ String ₜₓₜहिन्दी; // auto micro font thus must be be last...(in eclipse)
+ // note: ------- \/ render err (in eclipse)
+ private Translatec̈(String 普通話ᐥˢʰᵉⁿᵉᵉˢ, String 𓂀ᐥʰᶦᵉʳᵒ, String हिन्दीᐥʰᶦⁿᵈᶦ) {
+ this.ₜₓₜ普通話 = 普通話ᐥˢʰᵉⁿᵉᵉˢ;
+ this.ₜₓₜ𓂀 = 𓂀ᐥʰᶦᵉʳᵒ;
+ this.ₜₓₜहिन्दी = हिन्दीᐥʰᶦⁿᵈᶦ + commentedᐥᵛᵃʳᶦᵃᵇˡᵉ; // build in documentation :)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ enum Ꝑŕᱜṫèƈ₮ࠄ₫ {
+ ײₐₚᵢI18Nᵗˣᵗײ;
+ // note:\/ render err (in eclipse)
+ enum Gê̄ldGetậlÅtHebrewLetter {
+ ;
+ private Gê̄ldGetậlÅtHebrewLetter() {
+ }
+ void יזױזזךזדןװיױ() {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#### The Nether
+Dutch virgin under YHVH at 1616, the nether was one of the first republic in eu.
+A Jew reads upside down, a Arab reads reversed, a china 4D koder reads in all directions 仙上主天.
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